Scientific Database For Active Ingredients
promotes relaxation and supports a healthy sleep cycle by reducing anxiety and stress. It enhances sleep quality by aiding in the onset of sleep and improving overall sleep duration.
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Contains Melatonin which is a sleep hormone secreted at certain times of day to help the body transition to sleep.
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Increases GABA production within the body which helps with falling asleep and increasing sleep quality.
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Supports relaxation and restful sleep by decreasing time to fall asleep/increase sleep quality.
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Helps to reduce the time it takes to fall asleep and promotes a deeper more restful sleep.
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Improves regulation of the circadian rhythm and natural sleep/wake cycle and long-term enhancement of REM sleep.
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Eases symptoms of anxiety and insomnia which improves sleep quality.
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Regulates a normal sleeping pattern and increases sleep quality by improving deep sleep time also known as NREM.
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Supports hormone balance,restlessness, tension, excitability and provides relief of sleep disturbances.
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Supports relaxation and restful sleep by decreasing time to fall asleep/increase sleep quality.
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Aids people fall asleep faster, spend more time asleep, and experience better sleep quality.
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